You would like to obtain a mortgage, you have a residence card but your wife does not have one? Often one of you can wait much longer for a physical card than the other spouse. In this situation you have 2 options:
1) applying for a loan with only one bank. Only Santander Bank Polska does not require a residence card to obtain a loan, but the offer for foreigners is very limited. Before applying we need to access your creditworthiness and evaluate the property. Since you do not apply for credit in other banks your possibilities of negotiation are limited and in case of a refusal you have no other options.
2) Temporary separation of assets – if your income is sufficient for the required creditworthiness you can sign a notarised separation of assets agreement with your wife or husband. In this way, you will be able to purchase the property yourself as well as take out the loan. If you have a valid residence card you can apply for a mortgage in number of Polish banks. When your spouse finally obtains a residence card, we will be able to add it to the loan and to the ownership of the property.
This operation requires appropriate preparation as well as a thorough credit check for both options. If you would like to find out more, please contact us. We will also help you choose the right property.